Don’t expect a brand’s new purpose commitments to resonate with consumers immediately
On traditional branding metrics, such as recall, the purpose ads we measured were essentially identical to our benchmark standards. Striking the right balance between brand and cause in purpose ads is a challenge – but some ads managed to succeed on both counts. Branding is actually stronger for traditional purpose ads than for transformative. Our hypothesis is that the definition of a transformative approach may take viewers a little more time/viewings to understand how they – along with the brand – can be part of the story. Because viewers are more accustomed to messages in traditional purpose ads, they are easier to grasp. In addition, branding cues are somewhat more frequent in traditional purpose ads.
How to activate: There is a very strong correlation between frequency of brand visuals/mentions or mnemonic devices and branded recall. The brand needs to be part of the story – but we also want to put causes and compassion front and center.
Striking the right balance is essential, and brands cannot expect consumers to fully absorb their new purpose commitments overnight.
• Pepsi Max’s “Nothing Tastes Better” is short and to the point.
• H&M’s “Conscious Exclusive” is simply well branded.
• Colgate’s “Power of a Smile” 15-second spot tugged at emotions while clearly being about the brand.